After tearing myself away from El Bolson, off to Bariloche it was with me, aka the "Switzerland of Argentina". As the primary destination for Lake District goers, Bariloche is touristy, but rightfully so...the landscape is remarkable. I stayed with couchsurfer Diego and family, making my Bariloche experience seem not too terribly touristy which was nice. I cannot express how great it felt to sit down with an actual family (mama included!) to share mellow mealtimes and conversation.

I ate far too much chocolate while in Bariloche (Argentina's chocolate capital), pulling the usual go into every single chocolate shop and wait till they give you a tester scheme. Finally gave in and actually bought a few...dark chocolate w/almonds, milk chocolate + dulce de leche & almonds, chocolate w/coconut, and white chocolate with figs.

Happened upon a street of colorful walls.
Only 10 minutes walk from Diego's house, Playa Bonita (on Lago Nahuel Haupi) made for glorious afternoons of relax.

Cascada de los Duendes

Lago Gutierrez

Diego & good friend Juancho

Not only did Diego play tour guide for a day, taking me to the prime viewpoints, lakes and falls throughout the area, he also invited me along to go rock climbing with him and his buddies (he actually works as an outdoor adventure guide, leading treks all over Patagonia- I was in good hands). But, I'm not gonna lie, I was saying prayers the night before. Had never really had much of a desire to climb- I think the whole concept of being strapped in a harness, hanging off cliffs by a few ropes scared the crap out of me...but obviously I wasn't going to turn this one down.
Los nenes de la roca.
I think I found myself a new sport...I LOVED it!!!! Such a thrill.

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