I suppose I should put an end to this neglect-the-blog spree I seem to be on- it's been two months already. And in case you are were unaware, I am indeed back in California, facing a beauteous yet chicken-skinned winter, spending loads of time with the padres and friends and Redwood trees and rocky coastline. But I am getting ahead of myself, for last I wrote of was my arrival in Bahia, northeastern Brazil, embarking on an experience that was to involve smelly earth and jungly energy. I was en route to Fazenda Pura Vida.............
and alas, here I am. sprawled out on the deck of my own little nook, looking out over river, waterfall and jungle...this land is blessed. i arrived yesterday afternoon, with brief directions from alex's email scribbled on scrap- 'bus: itacare-ubaitaba (or local bus to taboquinha). 20 mins after taboquinha, just after agua fria. ask for fazenda peri. the kids on road can deliver you across river.' simple enough. i jumped on the local, "more native" bus as felipsters advised. twelve men. three women. country folks, hardworking, weathered faces, gentle glances and honest smiles. the homem behind me was a problem though. he wreaked of booze and fancied the gringa on the bus, shouting sweet nothings down my ear and patting my head every so often. lovely. everything else went fine though, accompanied to the river crossing from agua fria by three teenage boys and transported across the rio de contas in dugout canoe by the almighty vera. i was welcomed beautifully by alex and bruno and vera and more...sat down for cacao (or "cocoa") fruit tasting (had never seen the bright yellow fruit before,) tea time, and story sharing................
yesterday was a day of drizzle. hooray for watery skies! it has been a whopping three months since it rained last- these poor soils, plants and trees are parchy parched. the rain called for lazy day. i wrote. read. played school with the kiddies. drew. played house with the girls. ate loads of bananas. drank scrumptious teas. swam. read by candlelight. dined on a lentil-veggie concoction involving curry, coconut milk and peanuts. drank maracuja (passionfruit) + ginger juice w/ a splash of a french orange liquour. and listened to stories of past pura vida visitors. delightful day of lazy.
smile, breathe, + go slowly. ~thich nhat hanh
again, 4:45 am. up and feeling good. i seriously got in bed at 6:45 pm, read a wincy bit, and was out cold. i am really enjoying this "schedule"- not sure how i'm gonna deal back in buenos aires those few days- ehhh- not gonna think about it...a city with a pace that is so opposite to that of here- farm, jungle, rural bahia. and it's going to be gruesomely hot and cementy. ay meu deus. dreading it already. with only two more days at the farm, these thoughts of 'what's next' are coming up more frequently. i suppose it's best though, to prepare my mind, emotions, etc. for the big cambio de rutina ("change in routine")...i also must remind myself that although i will be parting from this place physically, i will be taking with me a beauteous bundle of new practices and ideas. the spirit of pura vida shall continue residing in me no doubt, and certainly i will do my best to hold tight to this calm, this halcyon i have been bathing in here. this past month- and especially this past week, i have been experiencing such a light, airy, sweep-you-off-your-feet happiness. filled. leveled. tuned. balanced........i feel great. my contentment is thick. my gratitude sheer. i have never felt less burdened by myself or by the world.
ay meu deus. i can hardly believe that a month has passed us by- tomorrow i cross the mighty contas and bus it to the coast- hoping to then catch a bus to rio de janeiro. and so the journey will begin....so thankful for my time here on the farm. it's really been a sort of retreat, tranquility at its finest. surely when there are more people the vibe takes on a different dimension- i am hopeful to make it back one day, perhaps experience pura vida filled with fellow wanderlusters. it was nice though, being way out here with only alex and bruno. loads of time to myself, my carefree days molding themselves according to my own personal whim. painting. reading. river-ing. writing. tea-timing. restoring. banana-ing. creating. planting. hammock-ing. breathing ....................................... this month has treated me with such loveliness. day in and day out, in awe. this setting alone- the rio contas and the surrounding mata- how can it be that her waters only become more and more stunning? and the animal kingdom that reigns? such an excitingly savage force. my fondness for this natural realm has geysered, becoming something i am not so sure i can describe................................i have made friends with the overhead swooping bats at night and am greeted each morn by that fleeting hummingbird. i've come face to face with a shimmery emerald fly, an exotic grasshopper of sorts, and a few frogs of monstrous proportion. i crossed paths with a lengthy black snake striped with yellow, observed a praying mantis lifting up his prayers, dined with glow worms and battled it out with bedtime visiting cockroaches (not so keen on those creatures, i think it might be their spastic pace- it's quite unsettling you know.) the orchestra, made up of insects, jungle and waterfall, will surely be missed...it's what opened each day and brought each day to a close...it never got old. constant companions, these miniscule yet ever complex pieces of god's creation. stunningly diverse and charged, we got along well.
If you would like to check out more pics, hit this up: