Monday, July 28, 2008

Friday, July 18, 2008
a leaf on my bed.
This past Tuesday Col and I said chau chau to Luis M. Campos 381 3C, somehow managed to get all of our crap (including my massage table) plus the two of us into a taxi, and moved it on over to bigger and better (not to mention cheaper!)...Welcome to our dwelling on Bonpland 1693 1E.

Oh I couldn't be more feliz right now. This place is fabulous. Set in Palermo Hollywood, a subsection of Baires' largest neighborhood (Palermo,) our new pad is perched at the cross-section of two popular, but neighborhood-esque streets (I can't tell you how nice it is not confronting a main drag, ie. Luis M. Campos, each and every morning upon leaving the apartment...no way to start your day.)

Some of the city's most happenin' cafes, bars, & restaurants can be found scattered throughout Palermo Hollywood which makes for 24-hr action on the streets below (noise- yeah, we've got noise.) Although our old apt was sleek and quiet, my oh my we were aching to bounce out (esp with all of those damned rules/regs we were living with- no way to live.) We were in need of something with a little more character, a little more onda ...everything was so modern, blank, and regimented in theme, the color palette being black, white, and silver, making it hard for even a bouquet of flowers to survive up in there.

I cannot even begin to describe how much more this place suits my (our) style...super tall ceilings & large windows allowing for divine amounts of natural light and fresh air to waft about, hardwood floors/table that aren't white (yeah that's a no no,) funky decor, heaps of color, paintings on the walls...the living room is very 1960's salon- I can picture it now: a few nicely groomed older gents conversing the afternoon away, cigar in one hand, and hard liqueur on the rocks in the other...in the corner, a red-lipped, sassy lady friend, surely adorned in jewels and mink, sits back puffing on one of those extra long cigs. Love it. Oh and we have a balcony! Always wanted one of those.

Geesh, I am so thankful for this space, this light, this color! And the visual access to the outside world? So necessary. There is nothing quite like having sunshine shine throughout your living quarters- makes for a perfect afternoon of relaxing in a comfy chair with a book and fresh fruit a mano, the warmth of the sun gracing your cheeks. I have found that around 2pm the sun enters our bedroom window just so, pouring light out onto the bed and creating some of the most exquisite journaling-chill out sessions EVER. Yesterday I found myself truly delighted to find that a large leaf had made it's way through the window and onto the bed where I sprawled...it's the little things that keep me going I suppose- what would we do without em'? Cheers to sun-kissed faces & leaves on your bed.
Oh I couldn't be more feliz right now. This place is fabulous. Set in Palermo Hollywood, a subsection of Baires' largest neighborhood (Palermo,) our new pad is perched at the cross-section of two popular, but neighborhood-esque streets (I can't tell you how nice it is not confronting a main drag, ie. Luis M. Campos, each and every morning upon leaving the apartment...no way to start your day.)
Some of the city's most happenin' cafes, bars, & restaurants can be found scattered throughout Palermo Hollywood which makes for 24-hr action on the streets below (noise- yeah, we've got noise.) Although our old apt was sleek and quiet, my oh my we were aching to bounce out (esp with all of those damned rules/regs we were living with- no way to live.) We were in need of something with a little more character, a little more onda ...everything was so modern, blank, and regimented in theme, the color palette being black, white, and silver, making it hard for even a bouquet of flowers to survive up in there.
I cannot even begin to describe how much more this place suits my (our) style...super tall ceilings & large windows allowing for divine amounts of natural light and fresh air to waft about, hardwood floors/table that aren't white (yeah that's a no no,) funky decor, heaps of color, paintings on the walls...the living room is very 1960's salon- I can picture it now: a few nicely groomed older gents conversing the afternoon away, cigar in one hand, and hard liqueur on the rocks in the other...in the corner, a red-lipped, sassy lady friend, surely adorned in jewels and mink, sits back puffing on one of those extra long cigs. Love it. Oh and we have a balcony! Always wanted one of those.
Geesh, I am so thankful for this space, this light, this color! And the visual access to the outside world? So necessary. There is nothing quite like having sunshine shine throughout your living quarters- makes for a perfect afternoon of relaxing in a comfy chair with a book and fresh fruit a mano, the warmth of the sun gracing your cheeks. I have found that around 2pm the sun enters our bedroom window just so, pouring light out onto the bed and creating some of the most exquisite journaling-chill out sessions EVER. Yesterday I found myself truly delighted to find that a large leaf had made it's way through the window and onto the bed where I sprawled...it's the little things that keep me going I suppose- what would we do without em'? Cheers to sun-kissed faces & leaves on your bed.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
love the taxistas
Just thought I might take a moment to shout out some love for the cab drivers here in Baires...
I feel as if every time I am either going to/returning from a massage, my happiness level skyrockets. Perhaps it's the hablar-ing in Spanish, or maybe it's the brief glimpse into a strangers story...whatever it may be though, through it I find contentment. Connecting with this taxi drivin' population of porteños has provided much entertainment. Exchanging stories. Talking authors, elections, culture, weather- the whole shebang. Often times with taxistas you've got to be the forward one and throw at them the "¿Cómo te va tu día?" and from there, well, most are elated to chit chat it up for a while...but every now and again I'll receive the short, blunted answer that leaves me hanging...I suppose ya can't win em all.
I feel as if every time I am either going to/returning from a massage, my happiness level skyrockets. Perhaps it's the hablar-ing in Spanish, or maybe it's the brief glimpse into a strangers story...whatever it may be though, through it I find contentment. Connecting with this taxi drivin' population of porteños has provided much entertainment. Exchanging stories. Talking authors, elections, culture, weather- the whole shebang. Often times with taxistas you've got to be the forward one and throw at them the "¿Cómo te va tu día?" and from there, well, most are elated to chit chat it up for a while...but every now and again I'll receive the short, blunted answer that leaves me hanging...I suppose ya can't win em all.
what i would give...
My days are void of blues and greens, of dirt and leaf, of tank tops and flip flops. Hearing from all ya'll back home speak of days spent in the mountains, on the sand, and in the water...it doesn't digest well! While I stand on congested avenues throwing my body out into traffic to snatch a cab, you people sit lakeside sipping on brewskies and eating guacamole. While I throw on my fleece and alpaca cap to brave the brisk morning walk to the gym, you people strip down to your bikinis and board shorts and hit the beach for a little wave riding and sun worshiping. While I look outside my window and see a brick wall, you people look outside your windows and see warmth. I'm throwing myself a major pity party here, no denying that one... :) And really, it's not all that bad...I like to be dramatic at times, especially when it comes to this city slicker-in-the-winter lifestyle that I am taking on. It's plain and simple though- I am craving summer. What I would give...to breathe crisp montaña air, to cruise on a bike, to stretch out on sand! I suppose it's time I get myself up out of this mayhem and back in touch with good ol' Madre Naturaleza. Cheers to that.
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