So, ever since we arrived in Baires, we've been a bit over the top (typical) about exploring our health food store/restaurant & farmer's market-style options...and naturally, the search has yet to come to a halt (note: I find it necessary to enter every single "dietetica"- natural food store, to ponder the selection even though each store basically sells the same items for basically the same amount. It's too much, I know.) A few weeks back we discovered one hidden gem that must be jotted down: El Galp
ón. Open just two days a week, this marigold painted, barn-like market can be found nestled next to/behind the train station La Estaci
ón Lacroze- a sketchy area no doubt, rough around the edges, but delightful nonetheless- a true diamond in the rough.
A pot of gold at the end of the road.
Due to the small size of the building, the setting is intimate and communal...and the vendors are absolute characters! My favorite is probably the dairy man who can usually be found sporting a cap, scarf, and grin. A vibrant wee man he is, always ready to dish the biggest, baddest testers of all time- we're talkin' hunks of whole butta atop a little
pan, or even better, scoops of
dulce de leche. He doesn't mess around. Best part is, he has black and white xerox copied photos of his farm, including the animals that produced the product you are about to purchase..."That milk right can say thanks to Margarita!" he says, pointing to the photo of his prized
vaca. Can't get enough of the guy.
He wins my heart each and every week...Oh and then there's the spunky marmalade lady, Rosa, who reminds me a bit of my mom, chattier than all get out. Her spreads are to die for...some of her featured flavas: cherry w/walnuts, carrot & kumquat! Offering everything in it's organic form- from olive oil to wholesome yogurt, fresh produce to raw honey...El Galpón gets me thoroughly stoked on food.
I think that all of the vendors, including dear Rosa (above), have come to know Col and I as the foreign chicas who are always on the prowl for testers.
In other news (though still related to nourishment), Col and I have been running a Lara bar factory right out of our home, producing some of the best all-natural raw goodness I have ever eaten in all my 22 yrs. Seriously. If you are like me and fancy little energizing treats of the sort, I urge you to run on down to the
mercado to pick up some dried fruit and nuts, and get crackin'- you won't regret it. For some inspiration, featured below are a few of our creations:
- La tierra: 1 cup pitted dates (the stickier the betta) . 1/2 cup finely chopped cashews . 1/2 cup finely chopped walnuts . 1 cup sliced dried apples . 1/2 cup raisins . lil' nutmeg (little goes a long way) . cinnamon . flaxseed (optional) .
- El choco-coco: 1 cup pitted dates . 1/2 cup finely chopped cashews . 1/2 cup finely chopped walnuts . 1/2 cup chopped dark chocolate . 1/2 cup shredded coconut . lil' nutmeg . cinnamon . flaxseed (optional) .
- El sueño pacana: 1 cup pitted dates . 1 cup chopped pecans .
Sidenote: Measurements are all a bit rough...just try and keep it equal parts dried fruit and dry ingredients, all of which can be mixed & mingled
a su gusto (other nice additions to experiment with: almond butter, seeds, oats, honey, dried apricots...) No holdin' back folks...get creative. "Go on get!"
Tasty lil' suckers.
The whole bar kick-off really got fired up because Col and I posted ourselves on craigslist (no surprise here) offering a "Wellness Package." You can pretty much have anything and everything delivered to your doorstep here in Baires (medication, groceries, ice cream till 2am- no joke) why not deliver a bit of wellness? SAMATHA ("stopping, calming, breathing" in Pāli) is the title of our service :) ...bringing people a 2-hr session of pilates, massage, and of course, the homemade bars paired with a calming tea. Heavenly right? All we need now is the clientèle...