For the past few weeks I've been graciously taken in by the 4 Varas nest, beijos and abraços always at hand. I've had the opportunity to trade with various massage therapists as well as teach them a bit about Swedish massage. Yeah, you heard me- teach. Really informal though. Often times I'll show up to give a massage and a group of students (who are finishing up their clinical hours) are hoping to learn about this so-called Swedish massage I bring from the States. It's been incredible- getting to pass along a little knowledge, and all while stumbling along in the half-Spanish, half-Portuguese dialect of mine, doing my best to maintain some level of flow and rhythm. I wish I had these impromptu sessions on video- funny stuff.

This experience has been unique, that's for sure. Learning about a different culture's approach to massage, and in such a hands on way, is something I've always wanted to do. And in such a tranquil scene? Stepping from the noise and dust ridden favela, into this place that breeds nothing but peacefulness...I am not sure I will ever entirely grasp it.
Annie took off for the States last week and alas we have moved in with Dona Rita and family. A few memorable experiences that might make you smile...
...Col and I went to have our nails done with Dona Rita last weekend. It wasnt't until about an hour after we arrived that Dona Rita sat down for the full on mani-pedi...designs on each nail to boot. A few more ladies showed up and the chatty kathy in each and every one of them was unleashed. Col and I on the other hand, we sat and we smiled, threw in a sentence here, a sentence there. Hot, tired, bordering on boredom- that we were. And then the giggles set in...when Col got in the hot seat and the gal who was doing her nails wouldn't let Col settle for her clear nail polish request. An unsure look spread across her poor face and let's just say that Col's keeping it simple on the nailbeds was shot to hell. I'm talkin' two flowers on each nail with glitter layered thick. It was hard keeping the laughter down let me tell you. And my mani-pedi experience? A bit painful- they really get down to the nitty gritty, pulling up every last piece of skin that appears to be ded...I did my best to be discreet about the minor jolts of pain that struck here and there. I must make note of when she drew blood and of this horrific powder that she applied on the cuts- oh how it stung! Other than that, she did well- huge props to her for even touching my feet my goodness. Not good. My right foot looks like its been through WWI, and worse, when she took off the nailpolish on my big toes, she uncovered an unhealthy set of nails. Slightly yellow toned with a strange texture- sure signs of pure neglection. Damned be my fathers genes! You should have seen the gal doing my poor feet- straight worried about my situation...and in true Brazilian fashion, she wasn't about to keep quiet regarding the nastiness that sat in her lap. All I could do was smile and say, "I know, they've got problems." Thanks to her efforts, they turned out beautious I must admit...and the polish (no designs thank God) masked the big guys- Gracias a Deus.

...Meet my host-father, Jaimie. He's got this funny quirk about our eating habits. Before we even moved in he openly expressed his desire to get we American girls nice and plump..."They won't even recognize you when you go back!" He always told us. And now that we are living with him, he's on this new kick, convinced that we simply don't eat and don't like any of the food he prepares (which really isn't always true- I must admit though, the omelette made with heaps of margerine and canned sardines wasn't easy going down!)...As Col and I eat he keeps a steady eye over our plates (with a smile slapped across his face- always)...often times he'll look up at us and start chuckling (have I mentioned this chuckle of his is addicting?) with a finger swag thrown in here and there. We try to convince him of our satisfaction with his cooking skills, but I doubt he will ever be convinced...

...Meet Jose Luis, one of Dona Rita and Jaimie's grandchildren...this kid doesn't lack in the affection department- always kissin' and lovin' up on Col and I...

...Last weekend we went to Cumbuco for some much needed beach action. Pictured below is Jarysson (son of Dona R and Jaimie) and his daughter Ana Clara.